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Know About Dungeons in Blade and Soul Gold - Druckversion

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Know About Dungeons in Blade and Soul Gold - Fly567 - 28.04.2016 11:35

Guide: Things You Need To Know About Dungeons in Blade and Soul

Up to a certain time, it may indeed be that you Blade and Soul gold eu do not need a group, but by the time, you reach dungeons, where it is clear that nothing can be achieved without any help here. Blade & Soul has implemented a few ways to create groups and to search.

In order to open a group of 6 or 4 players, you Blade and Soul gold eu can use the dragon pillar in front of the dungeon entrance. u can open a group looking for dungeons or send a request to an existing group.

To open the menu for the group search for Blade and Soul gold eu a dungeon, press the [F] button on a dragon column or the [F7] key if no standing nearby. Here you have not only possible to search a group for the current dungeon in which you are currently in, but also for Blade and Soul gold eu all other dungeons in the world of Blade & Soul.