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Normale Version: Play RuneScape - Free to Play MMO Game
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Free-to-play, also called F2P, would be the free version of RuneScape where no payment to Jagex must play. Players who participate in the free version of RS Mobile Gold are classified as "free players", "F2Ps", or "non-members". This is contrary to members, who pay a fee for use of a much larger map along with a multitude of skills, items, quests, and activities, which are not on the market to Free to Play users.
F2P are tied to only 5 levels on certain skills
The free component of RuneScape is tagged by Jagex being the game with all-around 5,000 hours of skills to coach to reach the utmost level of 99, while members is most likely the expansion version. There is no limit towards the amount of time players can easily continue playing without cost, although free players could only enjoy about 20% of all things RuneScape Gold offers. Free players can upgrade and grow a member without notice by paying a fee, granting entry to more skills, locations, items, etc.